Name(s): Ben and Milly
Breed(s): Labrador and Labradoodle
Age(s): 7 years and 8 weeks
Belong to: Mark Bendle, Assistant Store Manager
About us.. Ben Mark got Ben from a gamekeeper when he was young. He had been doing his gundog training but unfortunately he didn’t make the cut. Ben is a typical Labrador. He loves to be outside and of course he loves his food! However, Ben has a sensitive stomach, therefore he is fed a diet of raw meat and vegetables with cider vinegar and seaweed. He enjoys playing with his toys and being spoiled by Mark’s daughter.
Check out our range of toys - and keep your dog entertained for hours - here Milly Milly is the newest addition to the Bendle household. She is an 8 week old Chocolate Labradoodle. Isn’t she just the cutest? Mark arrived back from his holidays with the family and went to pick her up at the weekend. She is settling into the family really well and she loves her big brother Ben very much. Mark tells us she is in to everything and won’t leave Ben alone - she is fascinated by him!
TIP: Getting a new puppy can be daunting, especially if you haven’t had one before. We suggest that you go to puppy classes and read up a little before your new bundle arrives.