Your Guide to the Partridge Shooting Season

The highly anticipated partridge shooting season has begun! Starting on 1st September and running until 1st February (or 31st January in Northern Ireland), this season is a highlight for many shooters across the UK. Partridge, both red-legged and grey, are popular game birds, with driven partridge shoots happening at various estates and shooting grounds. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or a newcomer, our guide will provide valuable insights into partridge shooting, equipment, tips, and sustainability practices.

Jack Pyke Shooting

The Red-legged Partridge

The red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) is one of the most commonly encountered game birds during shooting season. Originally from the Mediterranean, it was introduced to the UK in the 18th century and has since become a key feature in driven shoots. Known for its vibrant plumage and quick flight, this species offers an exciting challenge for shooters.

Red-legged partridges are often found in agricultural landscapes and upland areas, making them a popular choice for driven shoots. Their rapid and unpredictable flight patterns require sharp shooting skills, making them a favourite for both novice and expert shooters alike.

The Grey Partridge

The grey partridge (Perdix perdix), a native species, is smaller and subtler in colour compared to the red-legged partridge. Unfortunately, its population has been in decline due to habitat loss, modern farming practices, and predators. Conservation efforts are in place to protect the grey partridge, with many shoots now working closely with wildlife organisations to manage and boost their numbers.

When shooting grey partridge, it is important to follow certain rules to ensure sustainability and avoid over-harvesting. Shooters should always:

  • Respect estate guidelines regarding bag limits.
  • Participate in habitat management efforts, such as leaving cover crops and nesting sites undisturbed.
  • Only shoot grey partridge in estates with active conservation programs.

Top Tips For Shooting Partridge

  • Stay Safe: Always follow the golden rules of gun safety: keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, know your target and what's beyond, and ensure that your gun is always unloaded when not in use.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Partridges are known for their fast and erratic flight. Make sure to practice your shooting techniques, especially when it comes to lead shots, as they often appear suddenly and disappear quickly.
  • Choose the Right Gun: A 12-gauge shotgun is commonly used for partridge shooting, but some shooters prefer a 20-gauge for lighter weight and manoeuvrability. Make sure your shotgun is well-fitted and comfortable to handle.
  • Know Your Quarry: Learn to distinguish between red-legged and grey partridges. Red-legged partridges tend to fly higher and faster, while grey partridges are more elusive and often stick closer to cover.
  • Patience is Key: Partridge shooting is often about timing. Wait for the bird to be in a good shooting position before pulling the trigger—rushing the shot can result in a miss or an unnecessary injury to the bird.
Woman walking dog

Partridge Shooting Equipment

At John Norris, we offer a wide range of high-quality country clothing and shooting accessories to improve your partridge shooting experience. Our best-selling country clothing items can be found here, featuring renowned brands such as Barbour, Schöffel and Jack Pyke.

To ensure you're well-prepared for the shooting season, we provide a comprehensive selection of shooting accessories, including:

  • Cartridge bags: Keep your cartridges organised and within easy reach.
  • Gun slips: Protect your firearm when transporting it to and from the shoot.
  • Belts and braces: Practical accessories that help keep you comfortable during long days in the field.

With everything you need conveniently available in one place, John Norris ensures you are fully equipped for the partridge shooting season.

Clothing and Boots

Having the right clothing and footwear is essential for comfort and performance on a shoot. When you're outdoors for extended periods, unpredictable weather and rugged terrain can take a toll. Investing in high-quality country wear is a smart decision.

  • Jackets and Tweeds: Choose breathable, waterproof jackets like those from Barbour, which combine style with practicality. Tweeds not only offer tradition but also provide excellent insulation and durability.
  • Footwear: A sturdy pair of waterproof boots is a must. Our new JSN Pro Waterproof boots provide both comfort and grip, ensuring you can walk long distances across fields and through wetlands without discomfort. Pre-order today for an exclusive discount
  • Layers: Layering is key to regulating your body temperature during a shoot. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, followed by an insulating mid-layer and a waterproof outer layer to shield against wind and rain.
John Norris JSN Pro Boots in Action

Conservation and Sustainability

As responsible shooters, it's important to remember the role we play in conservation and ensuring the sustainability of game species like partridges. The grey partridge, in particular, has suffered from declining populations in the UK. However, driven shooting can contribute to wildlife conservation when managed properly.

Many estates actively engage in conservation programs, which include habitat management, predator control, and reintroduction efforts. By following best practices, shooters can help support these initiatives:

  • Limit your bag: Avoid excessive shooting, especially in areas where partridge numbers are low.
  • Support habitat restoration: Many shoots work to restore habitats that support not only partridges but other wildlife as well. Hedgerows, wildflower strips, and woodland edges all benefit from conservation efforts.
  • Engage with local wildlife organisations: Shoots that work with conservationists and follow guidelines help to ensure a thriving partridge population for future generations.

By participating in responsible shooting, you contribute to both the enjoyment of the sport and the long-term health of the countryside. For more information and shooting and conservation pop into our store and chat to our expert team.


Partridge shooting season is not only an exciting and traditional pursuit but also an opportunity to engage in responsible conservation practices. Whether you're aiming at the swift red-legged partridge or the elusive grey partridge, the thrill of the sport is complemented by the chance to contribute to wildlife management and habitat restoration.

At John Norris, we’re here to help you gear up for a fantastic partridge shooting season. Don’t miss your chance to pre-order the new JSN Pro Waterproof boots and check out our full range of country clothing and shooting accessories. For personalised advice and more details, call into our store or visit us online at John Norris today.

The New JSN Pro Waterproof Boots