The Stroft ABR Monofil is perfect for all kinds of fishing and will perform incredibly, no matter what circumstances you are fishing in. Made in Germany, this is the ultra durable Stroft ABR Monofil, the ABR abbreviation in the name stands for abrasion resistant and this monofil really lives up to it's name.
Through a heat treatment process, this has made the line much more resistant to harmful UV rays and scratches.
The Stroft ABR monofil is super durable and retains it's breaking strain and knot strength even when you are fishing in the most difficult and gruelling conditions. Whether it's on harsh rocks, in salt water or from harmful UV rays, this monofil stays strong.
Every monofil spool comes with a soft foam light protection ring. This seals and protects your line from any UV rays and makes the line supple as well as free from damage. When you need to use your monofil, it is simple and easy to take off by just gripping and pulling from the spool.
The Stroft ABR Monofil is light transparent brown in colour and comes in various different diameters and breaking strains. Every spool capacity of monofil is 100 metres.